Monday, January 24, 2011

THe Long Tail: A Closer Look

Does the long tail exist simply because the internet has provided a vehicle to promote inferior products to a market that is still dominated by “hits?”  I would have to agree that the long tail does exist because the internet has provided a vehicle to promote inferior products to the market that is dominated by “hits”. This internet can provide an unlimited shelf space that no brick and mortar store can achieve. With the help of search filters, one can easily navigate the long tail to find their niche products. If their wasn’t an internet, businesses would not be able to afford carrying every product because the cost of inventory would be too high compared to the number or items that would get sold. Collectively, all of these niches can add up and make a significant market. Companies can now provide a variety of smaller niches and become a viable entity. When consumers are given the choice as well as the option to travel down the long tail which can focus more on niche markets and products, they will move away from the “hits” that are provided by the economy to the niche products that suit their needs better. The digital revolution has provided consumers with shipping innovations that enable products to reach their intended destination in efficient ways which reduce the cost of doing business. Democratizing the tools of production populates the tail, democratizing distribution creates availability, and connecting supply and demand creates the community where these products can be bought, sold, and discussed with one another.

Does the Long Tail result in Tyranny of Choice, or, Paradise of Choice? I would defiantly have to say that the long tail results in a paradise of choice. For consumers to walk into any physical store they could be faced with the Tyranny of Choice due to the limited shelf space. For example let’s talk about books. Let’s say you go to Barnes and Noble and search for a specific book that you want. Unfortunately, that book was not a best-seller and they do not carry that item. This would give you the tyranny of choice because you are unable to get the product that you really want. The internet enables any consumer to achieve the paradise of choice because you can search through millions of books over the internet and you will be able to find THE book that you are searching for. Some companies print books on demand. This has been an excellent inventory model and comes to be very efficient and cost affective. This gives some companies to virtually carry no inventory and only print books after an order has been received.

What are your thoughts about the long tail concept (provide specific thoughts supported by information from the text or other sources, not a general and amorphous comment)?
The long tail concept can be explained in one word, brilliant. The long tail has been created through the advent of the internet as an effective marketplace. The internet has evolved into the perfect marketing mix; providing every product, at a convenient place, with the lowest price, and the best of all promotion (word of mouth). Every product has reviews about how the consumer appreciates or dislikes any product. Before purchasing, each consumer can read reviews about anything to either make or break the sale. Also, when/if someone purchases a product, there are also suggestions for what similar customers also purchased. This can be an affective form of advertising because it promotes similar products that individuals that focus on that specific niche would purchase. This model is a great form of advertising.

1 comment:

  1. Very good discussion of the long tail issues. I like the way in which you flipped the "Tyranny of Choice." There has been discussion that consumers have too much choice and that this is actually a bad thing.
