Monday, March 28, 2011

The Power of Information, Networking, and Social Media

Here is an excellent video about the effects of technology and social media on our world. I thought it was crazy that 90% of customers trust peer recomendations and only 14% trust advertisements. This one fact alone informs businesses that advertising isn't what it used to be. Now, the best and most efficient way to advertise to your customers is to get people to talk about your products and services on social media sites and to comment on their experiences. Hope you enjoy the video!

3 Ways Social Media Can Ruin Your Career

I read an interesting article on the internet today about the negative side effects of social media. First off, joining a social media network can be helpful to starting your career, but as we shall see it can be detrimental as well. When done right and maintained properly, social media can enhance your career; but one false move and it can come back to haunt you in the future. Here are a few social media moves you should think twice about doing: 1.) Being too opinionated; 2.) Allowing photos of yourself to be posted or tagged; and 3.) Using foul or inappropriate language.

If you are voicing a strong opinion, you might want to be careful about how free your speech is, especially in regard to the following topics: religion, politics, race and employers. When talking about religion or politics, you have your own values that you strongly believe in and are proud of, but there's no need to attack someone else's. The same goes for complaining about employers while you are still under their employment. A future employer might stumble across your profile, read comments from months or even years ago, and decide you are not a suitable. The article provided an example, in which someone updated their status on Facebook to “bored at work.”  The final result, her boss saw the post and she was fired.

The best line of defense with regards to photographs is to not have any questionable photographs taken at all. The article provided an example of a teacher posting photographs on Facebook from a trip to Paris. There was alcohol in her picture and guess what? She was fired for it.

With regards to using foul or inappropriate language, just keep it clean and you will have nothing to worry about. There is always an element of risk when posting online, especially under your social media profiles because you can't always control who is going to be reading or watching it. If nothing else, familiarize yourself with privacy settings and keep in mind that the internet remembers everything.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Small Businesses and Social Media

I read an interesting article tonight about social media and small businesses. The story talked about how Ivy Guiler, a social media specialist, created a job for herself by helping small businesses with their online marketing strategies. A local Ace Hardware store wanted her to do a presentation about social media and to give them tips about how to get involved with it. Turns out, that Ace Hardware store created a Facebook page and it was an instant success. Small businesses alike enjoy using Facebook because it makes a more personal "relationship" with the customer and its easy to use. Facebook is a perfect medium for advertising your business to potential customers and it makes it easy to invite people to events. It also helps the businesses better understand their customers and makes it easier to communicate with them. Some businesses view Facebook as a relationship building tool rather than an advertising opportunity. Click on this link to read the article:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Social Media

Before Facebook, Myspace was king. However, times have changed and Facebook has become the most popular networking site available. Is Facebook going to remain on top? Or is there room for more potential? Color, a new photo application, thought there was more room for potential and created a free social networking photo application for mobile phones. Click this link to read the full article:

1st Annual 5K Run and 1M Walk Benefit

Hi everyone! I know this is short notice but I just signed up for a 5K run this Saturday (March 26,2011) to benefit the disabled and disadvantaged individuals of Western and Central MA. I hope some of you can sign up! The road race starts and finishes at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame @ 10:00 a.m. in Springfield, MA. Click on this link to register! HRUn4FUN! run2overcome. Your participation in either the 5K run or 1M walk will help demonstrate that diversity and inclusion can be a reality for all!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Small Businesses Seek Word of Mouth

In a recent American Express survey of small business executives, 82% responded that they get their new customers from word of mouth. This is exactly how social media sites work, people tell other people about interesting and useful things, and share useful and interesting places. People respond to insight from other people because they view them as more trustworthy than listening to an advertisement on television telling you how great their product is. The most common online marketing techniques currently used by small businesses are company websites at 86%, social media at 44%, and search advertising at 21% of all businesses. If you want to read this article, click on this link:

5 Great New Social Media Strategies

I was skimming through the news archives on Google today and an article caught my eyes, so I decided to take a look at it. The title of the article was “5 Great New Social Media Strategies.” It basically discussed the effects of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn on businesses and how effective they are. The article also mentioned five great new social media strategies that businesses should engage in to market themselves. They are as follows:

1. Claim your business profile on Yelp. If you have a storefront or office, you absolutely must list it on Yelp. Why? Because Yelp has a great mobile app that is very popular for finding products and services when you are on the road. It is quicker and easier to use than Google's iPhone search app, making your store hours, phone, and location instantly accessible to the large group of Yelp users.

2. Improve your business search results with a listing on Google Places. In its recent efforts to improve search results, Google now gives greater weight to local data, most notably from its own Google Places. The first step is to simply Google your company name, then locate it on the Google map for your area. Like Yelp, you then claim your business identity (creating a Google account if you don't already have one) and are able to add lots of information about your business.

3. Engage with other experts in your field on Quora. One stand-out social media tool, which operates on a simple premise: there should be a place to go on the web for clear, concise answers to specific questions. With a minimum of hype and noise, Quora does just that. It is an excellent way to increase your visibility and connect with others interested in similar topics. Its interface is also clean and relatively easy to master, unlike Facebook with its endless settings and options.

4. Create big value with a very small camera. If there is one gadget that will do more to boost your online presence than anything other than your phone, it is a video camera. Whether you use your iPhone 4, a Flip camera, or something else, the technology is well within your grasp to create short, fun videos on topics of interest to your customers, and upload them to your website, blog, Facebook page, or YouTube channel in minutes.

5. Join or create a group for local events on Meetup. If you regularly hold informational meetings about your business, consider expanding your reach by listing them on And if you want to network with others in your area with similar interests, you are most likely to find them on Meetup. Unlike most tools mentioned so far, Meetup results in actual face-to-face meetings with like-minded people from your own area. It gives event planners the tools to set maximum attendance levels, send out reminders before the meeting, and easily keep in touch with group members.

Social Media Use and Unemployement

Some consider social media as an entrance into a new world of expressing themselves. Others, including employers, find it a a detriment to their business. More and more people are loosing their jobs from making posts on Facebook, or tweets on Twitter regarding their businesses. Some are evening losing their jobs for pictures on Facebook. In an article I read earlier, a woman lost her job for having a picture on Facebook of her holding an alcoholic drink. It's very important to think before you post something. The article made a great point when stating that before you tweet you should ask yourself "would I want my employer to read this?" Just recently the man behind the Aflac duck voice was fired for posting a series of jokes about the disaster in Japan. Click on this link if you want to read this article:
Also, if you want to audition to become the new voice for the Aflac duck, click here:

Monday, March 14, 2011

Social Media Reconnects Japan Quake Victims With Loved Ones

I found this article very interesting as survivors from the earthquake in Japan used social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter to connect with families and friends about their whereabouts. The article noted that less than an hour after the earthquake, there were 1,200 tweets per minute coming from Tokyo. Also, Google's Person Finder, which allows people to leave information about their whereabouts or information about a missing person was used 158,700 times! Check out this article by clicking on this link:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Social Media Disaster for Chrysler

Chrysler uses social media to communicate with consumers, partners, and the press. In this article, an individual working on Chrysler's marketing team, New Media Strategies, posted a tweet on Chrysler's twitter account: "I find it ironic that Detroit is known as the # 1 motorcity and yet no one here knows how to f***ing drive." Chaos was the result, and Chrysler ended up ditching the marketing firm and decided to find a new one. That individual who made that comment on Twitter was also fired. This tweet totally offended the drivers from the city of Detroit as well as Chrysler and totally went against Chrysler's new ad campaign that promotes the city - at the end of Chrysler's TV commercial is the catchphrase "Imported from Detroit." Here is just one of many examples that shows how devastating online social media can be for a company. So many individuals have access to company Twitter and Facebook accounts and need to understand the proper way to represent their company through social media. Chrysler just needs to be careful with who they give access to their tweets...You can read this article by clicking on this link

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Benefits from Social Media

If you think that businesses are the only ones benefiting from social media, think again. The Utica police department created a Facebook page back on November 24, 2010 and have made their 13th arrest on Tuesday thanks to social media. Social media has become popular for police departments and more and more departments are utilizing the social media to prevent and solve crimes, strengthen police-community relationships, and enhance services. To view the article click on this link:

Will This Viral Video Get a Division 3 Player into the Slam Dunk Contest?

While surfing the internet I came across an interesting article on Yahoo! On Yahoo!'s home page one of the four top stories was titled "Undersized Dunker Becomes Web Sensation." I love basketball so I had to check it out. The article was very interesting -  Jacob Tucker, a division III college basketball player, wanted to participate in the Division I slam dunk contest later this month. He contacted the organizers of the slam dunk contest and unfortunately was denied to participate; they said "Division III players typically lack the notoriety needed to receive an invitation (to the slam dunk contest)." In response, Jacob created a two minute YouTube video of his dunking abilities and posted it on the web. Within five days, the video attracted over 500,000 views and today its up to 816,228 views. Talk about a viral video! In addition to this video, 2,000 fans joined a Facebook group dedicated to giving Jacob Tucker an invitation into the dunk contest. Jacob created the video for the organizers of the dunk contest and did not expect to rack up thousands of views or have a Facebook group supporting his case for going to the dunk contest. This is just another example of how powerful social media can be.   Check out this video below and if you want to read the article click on this link:
Do you think Jacob Tucker deserves to be in the dunk contest?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Social Media Guidelines

This morning I was skimming through some articles on the internet and one of them caught my eye so I decided to read on. The article was titled "Why Social Media Paranoia is Healthy." Many businesses are finding it beneficial to engage in social media, while others still haven't realized or understand its importance. Point in fact, social media creates awareness, attracts customers, brings in revenue, and increases profits. In order to reap the benefits of social media you have to abide by some guidelines or else the effects could be devastating for you and your company. The article provided some guidelines for social media:

Basic Guidelines for Social Media Communications
Be clear about whether staff accounts are official or personal. If they are personal but relate to their job, then ensure the account holder adds a disclaimer explaining that these aren't necessarily the opinions of their employer. If it is official, they need to follow these guidelines:

·       All enquiries from mainstream media (e.g., national newspapers) should be passed to the press office or a senior director if there is no press office. Don't respond even to seemingly mundane questions about the company without making someone senior aware first. 
·       Never answer a comment in anger, no matter how provoking. Always stop and remember you represent the company -- not yourself.
·       Don't be rude. Companies have to remain polite. It's professional. You can be firm, implacable, and contradict people, but always do so with a professional manner. 
·       Ask a colleague to check any major communications, such as a blog post. This ensures you have an additional pair of eyes checking the tone and content, as well as for typos or spelling errors. 
·       Keep relevant and stick to your area of expertise. Commenting on subjects that you don't know much about risks making the whole organization look amateur. 
·       Never comment publicly on any legal challenges the company is involved in. 
·       The company can be sued for slander. Never pass comment or judgment on rivals, other businesses, or individuals. 
·       Remember that the Internet has a long memory. Don't publish anything if you aren't confident it will still be on-message in 12 months time. 
·       Make sure you differentiate clearly between opinion and fact.

 If you want to read the full article you can access by clicking on this link:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Social Media Video

This is an amazing video that I found on YouTube showing how social media has transformed the world we live in. Its kinda cool, check it out...(its tough to read all the words with such a small display so it might be helpful to click on the screen  where is says "YouTube" ( bottom right corner) to view it on the YouTube website so you can watch it on a bigger screen- makes it is easier to read). Enjoy!