Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Social Media Use and Unemployement

Some consider social media as an entrance into a new world of expressing themselves. Others, including employers, find it a a detriment to their business. More and more people are loosing their jobs from making posts on Facebook, or tweets on Twitter regarding their businesses. Some are evening losing their jobs for pictures on Facebook. In an article I read earlier, a woman lost her job for having a picture on Facebook of her holding an alcoholic drink. It's very important to think before you post something. The article made a great point when stating that before you tweet you should ask yourself "would I want my employer to read this?" Just recently the man behind the Aflac duck voice was fired for posting a series of jokes about the disaster in Japan. Click on this link if you want to read this article:
Also, if you want to audition to become the new voice for the Aflac duck, click here:

1 comment:

  1. I think it all comes down to having common sense..Why make yourself vulnerable and tell the entire world what you drinking, where you are partying, etc. (unless it's your job;)
