Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Will This Viral Video Get a Division 3 Player into the Slam Dunk Contest?

While surfing the internet I came across an interesting article on Yahoo! On Yahoo!'s home page one of the four top stories was titled "Undersized Dunker Becomes Web Sensation." I love basketball so I had to check it out. The article was very interesting -  Jacob Tucker, a division III college basketball player, wanted to participate in the Division I slam dunk contest later this month. He contacted the organizers of the slam dunk contest and unfortunately was denied to participate; they said "Division III players typically lack the notoriety needed to receive an invitation (to the slam dunk contest)." In response, Jacob created a two minute YouTube video of his dunking abilities and posted it on the web. Within five days, the video attracted over 500,000 views and today its up to 816,228 views. Talk about a viral video! In addition to this video, 2,000 fans joined a Facebook group dedicated to giving Jacob Tucker an invitation into the dunk contest. Jacob created the video for the organizers of the dunk contest and did not expect to rack up thousands of views or have a Facebook group supporting his case for going to the dunk contest. This is just another example of how powerful social media can be.   Check out this video below and if you want to read the article click on this link:
Do you think Jacob Tucker deserves to be in the dunk contest?

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