Monday, February 21, 2011

Second Life: Marketing in the New World

While reading Chapter 19, Social Networking Sites and Marketing, it was very interesting that Scott brought up the online virtual world of Second Life. He talked about how businesses can use this as another medium for marketing. As a result, Second Life has become more and more popular. I thought it was extremely fascinating that companies are using Second Life as a place to conduct live press conferences. This gives companies the ability to save money from traveling expenses and also gives them the capability to have a "web conference" with people in different areas around the globe. What I also found fascinating is that Second Life has recently created an environment for Vet's to deal with PTSD. Up to one in five U.S. military service members screen positive for PTSD following combat deployment. Yet, almost half of those do not seek information or help for their suffering. The T2 Virtual PTSD Experience invites people to endure the causes, confront the symptoms, and discover the help available for combat-related PTSD in Second Life. It gives them the ability to seek help without giving away their identity. Check out this interesting article on the U.S. Army’s website:

1 comment:

  1. Second life has great potential. Some university professors are actually teaching courses in second life classrooms. The challenge with second life is the computing power and internet access required to have a good experience. Second life is graphic intensive and requires a lot of band width and fast video cards. I have been in second life with my office computer. It is interesting, but I needed more computing power and bandwidth to get a full experience. This will be an increasingly interesting and important tool as we catch up with Second Life technology.
