Monday, February 21, 2011

Social Networking

Social networking sites are a wonderful source for marketing. Not only is it a free medium to spread the word or get yourself or your band, business, etc. noticed; it offers a way to connect with millions of people and let them know about certain functions or new products. My three roommates are apart of the band known as The Raft and they have both a Facebook and Myspace page. On Facebook they have the ability to notify everyone (friends) about upcoming shows and new songs that they are making. They use Myspace to give people the opportunity to listen to their tracks for free. They also network with other bands by showing what their likes and interests are on their Facebook page and those bands also have them (The Raft) on their pages as well.  If your interested, you can check them out on Facebook at: or on MySpace at : YouTube is another wonderful source to give people a chance to watch and listen to anything you want people to see. They have also taken advantage of this ability as they have a few recorded songs available. Check them out at this YouTube link:

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